Who is Lola?

Lola Cat is one of Chezzter The Cat's Best Friends. Looking almost identical to Chezzter but pink a girl!


She regularly wears a purple shirt, white skirt, and black dress shoes. Very rarely, her name, "Lola", is actually on her purple shirt. However this is only seen in a couple of minigames.
For the 2002 Halloween Minigame she is seen wearing an all-black witch costume. However this is changed in the 2003 Halloween minigame to have some color.


Lola is a very lovey dovey cat especially when it comes to Chezzter! However, she can get a bit fed up with the ChezzKids' antics from time to time.


Some people say Sarah Trills wanted her to be like a mirror to her perfect self. However this is only a rumor and unconfirmed by the dev team.
There are also reports that she was actually originally called Lisa from a 2006 interview with a developer who wished to remain anonymous

star starer and catcher lola milkshake the way
